Friday, July 14, 2023

New beginnings and a new state (of mind really)

Holy crap it's been a ywhile! Things in my life got crazy in 2018 when my mom was getting sick with UTIs and in the hospital just about every other month which we (being my family) did not understand. Everything took a back seat to my mom and her health. I did knit socks for my aunt (Mom's sister), but always forgot to mail them out, whoops. My mom passed away in 2020 (during the height of Covid-19, but not due to Covid. My daughter and I both graduated with our undergraduate degrees. Mine is in Psychology with an emphasis on addictions. Aly's degree is in elementary education. She met the love of her life her freshman year and they got married in June of '22. I went to the wedding in a knee imobilizer due to breaking my knee cap the day before they tied the knot. This past November I moved from the small town in WI where I was living to South Carolina. We recently moved to a town that reminds me of where i used to live and I can't wait to check out the local coffee house. I have been trying to find projects that I need to finish and move from the old place (apartment I lived in with my boyfriend) to new house. Yeah that's not really helping us move things but with my life right now I need a break from reality. As I sit in my living room watching knitting podcasts here is what I am working on: For me: Calligraphy cardigan: Yarn: Miss Bas Yowza Colorway You Rang? For the other half: Vanilla Socks: Yarn: Sweet Georgia Tough Love Sock Colorways: Oxblood and Saffron For my aunt (I owe her several pairs of socks) Green Gables socks Yarn: Malibrigo Sock Color: Azul Profonto Will be glad to get my sweater done and my other half's socks done as they are supposed to be an aniversary present and that happens later in the month, ACK!!!

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